[h1][color=598527]Esailia Lelander[/color][/h1] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Esailia barely gave the man another glance after her declaration, instead turning her gaze towards the magi as the group was shuffled out the door to prepare. She snatched her shield and swords from the Templar just outside the door before rushing off to her quarters. She didn't keep much there, and no one was sparing her any glances. Let them think what they want, she didn't owe any of them any favors or friendship. Grabbing a spare change of clothing and her memory pouch, she left without a word. Returning to Gregory's office, seeing as they weren't informed of any other location to wait, she made a beeline for Landvarian. She knew it was suspicious, but she was doomed anyway. "We haven't met before properly," She started out, her hand coming up to her neck to tug down her undershirt and mail to expose her [url=http://i.imgur.com/NlYbiCJ.jpg]Mark[/url] only to quickly scratch at her neck and adjust her mail "But We need to know each other if we all are to live, right? I'm Esailia." As she waited for an answer, she stole a look towards Kahleni, worried about her aversion towards her fellow mage and wondering about her disposition towards this turn of events... [@BlackPanther][@Xandrya]