[color=f6989d][h3][center]Měihóu Niángniang[/center][/h3][/color] [hider=Current Appearance] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/1310/i/2015/105/a/f/journey_to_the_west___sun_wukong_by_deepmazenta-d8a126p.jpg[/img] [/hider] Měihóu was all ready to step in to be the hero, when Alex quickly and efficiently took care of things. With a blink and a shrug, she jumped down the hatch with Alex. [color=f6989d]"I don't suppose you're related to one Angela Kincaid? I'd feel really dumb if I was actually supposed to have been helping the other guy. Though, I'd be very surprised if Stark was."[/color] She asked on the way down. [color=f6989d]"That said, I wouldn't be all that down for helping the Imperium arrest someone and me even if it was to return a favor. That kinda goes against everything I am."[/color] She made to twirl her staff with her fingers, only to find the staff not there. Its lack of presence was making her visibly uneasy. Any challenge would have to be faced with her body and skill alone, which while above human, was not nearly as good at this very task of escaping, which would have been trivial if she had still had her staff. She could only hope Titania would finish her trip soon. Měihóu abused her durability to make another superhero landing, landing beside Alex and dusting herself off, as he spoke to the Relic. [color=f6989d]"Who you talking to? Did you find one of the Legend Relics? Those things are popping out of the woodwork these days. Grabbed two myself, albeit it was almost 100% the people I was travelling with rather than me."[/color] She tilted a head curiously, the angle of their respective paths restricting her view even if Alex had by some bizarre decision decided to take the Relic out to talk to it. [@Flamelord][@TheWindel]