[Center][h2][color=gray]Talonite[/color][/h2] [@Lord Szall][@Sho Minazuki][@I-Am-X][/center] Talonite was jolted out of his internal monologue when another trainer approached them to join their group in the Reserve. [Color=gray]"Oh yeah, sure, whatever. I'm Talonite."[/color] He didn't bother reaching for a handshake, or even acknowledging Jack very much. It didn't matter to him honestly, the new guy wasn't interesting enough to note. Maybe his opinion would change once they got in though. He seemed to have potential. [Color=gray]"Let's go in."[/color] With that being said Talonite started to enter the Reserve, with or without them. [hr] [Center][h2][b]Route 10[/b][/h2] [@Alder][/center] As Leo ventured onto Route 10, something began following him up the mountain, trying to be stealthy but failing miserably. A lone Torchic had escaped from the Reserve in search of adventure and glory! Its whole life was spent in the Reserve, battling other Pokemon who were mean and hurt other Pokemon. Most of the battles it had lost, convincing the Torchic that it must leave to gain experience and learn more about being a Hero. This was its first adventure into the outside world and it had already spied a suspicious creature which walked on two legs yet was enormous in comparison to the other Pokemon it had seen. The Torchic smelled all kinds of Pokemon on it, yet none of them were nearby. The strange creature must have done something to them! The plot thickens. All that was left now was to question the monster on where it's captives were. It jumped out of "hiding" and screamed [b]"TORCHIC!"[/b] which roughly translated to [i]"Halt! Where are your captives!"[/i] What a curious little fellow.