[quote=AYoungWarthog] Also, Comrade, I'd like to point out that it may be time for China and all of Korea to go to war with Japan. Japan is on the brink of no longer being the United State's ally... Which means they won't be protected by the Imperialists anymore.And, Japan's only real ally was the United States... Let's hope their relations deteriorate... >:D [/quote] Ah those militarists are THIS close to making a wrong move~ If they keep with their evil dreams of establishing their so called "co prosperity sphere" and denying their thrice cursed crimes! [quote=AYoungWarthog] *points out that China is not really as communist as you are* I reserve the right to trade with South Korea, little retarded brother. (I mean that in the nicest way possible, lol) [/quote] You must misunderstand us, we're not communist, we're Juche Socialist!