[quote=@Flagg] Who, these guys? [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nP4LutT_SjE/VpJNmkpKMSI/AAAAAAAAEMQ/av921vU_P0E/s1600/Ephors%2Bfrom%2B300.jpeg[/img] Short version: they are vampire/flesh mages who worship a lovecraftian monstrosity known as the Conqueror Worm and they were allied with Daigon back in the day, using their unique magical expertise to help create slave races like orcs and beastkin. [/quote] My nation uses some flesh magic. Could I say the Cult of the Seven was started by these guys or some human acolytes who survived the fall of Daigon and preserved some partial knowledge of the art?