[hider=Arkanath's Oathbearers] [b]Faction name:[/b] Arkanath's Oathbearers [b]Alias:[/b] Arkanath's Sworn, the bone lords [b]Government type:[/b] Magnocracy/Theocracy. Arkanath's Oathbearers are led by the Scarlet Prophets. A council of mighty, shaman-like individuals. Each holding command over several tribes and participate in rituals. Below them are the Tribe Chieftains. Each governing their own tribe. Chieftains can appoint tribe lords to act as vassals. [b]Faction species:[/b] Arkanath's Oathbearers welcomes any and all creatures. From the sneakiest goblin to the most lumbering beastmen. That is, they accept them as slaves mostly. Which is the main population status among Arkanath's Oathbearers. Among the Warrior-caste, the variation is still great. Minotaurs, humans, orcs, some goblins (who proved exceptionally proficient with rusty blades) all count among the freemen ready to fight. Higher up in the ranks variation starts to thin. As requirements to lead a tribe generally involve not splitting every man that disagrees with you in half. Thus more higher up you'll find mostly orcs, humans and some more intelligent beastmen. [hider=My Territory] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ig61Fi7.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Faction Religion:[/b] Arkanath's Oathbearers believe that the world was born from Iliath, the goddess of death and life, and Arkanath, the god of peace and war. Their eternal presence created many children. Like Eiley, the Sun-God and Namu, his sister: the Moon. Even the Earth was a child of theirs: Eygun. But the greatest of their children was Daigon. The God of Kings. He ruled over all his brothers and sisters and kept his throne in Nagath. The most prosperous land in the world. The Sky, Ayligha, kept her promise and made a paradise for her parents high in the heavens. From which they could watch their children. When the two primordial gods retreated from the world, peace and prosperity kept reigning. But then Justinian came along. Initially, Justinian was nothing but a human servant of the Sun-God, Eiley. Yet he grew greedy as Eiley was generous with gifts. In secret, Justinian started taking the gifts from other servants. With their power, he forged the most hated object in the world. An artifact that, according to legend, Eygun itself would not swallow. Justinian called it Equilibrium. He used the scepter on Eiley and siphoned half of his divine essence. The heavily weakened Sun-God fled towards the Heavens together with his twin sister: Namu. Where they remain to this day. The Moon, tending to the Sun's wounds. But Justinian's lust for power was not yet sated. He marched to Nagath, demanding an audience with Daigon. The God of Kings marched out in full, black armor. Ready to cast asunder the False God. Initially, his brothers and sisters offered their help. Yet Daigon was sure of his own power. He did prevail, but when he turned his back on a cast down Justinian, the False God stabbed Daigon with Equilibrium. Siphoning the God of Kings' power. With it, Justinian was now more powerful than any other god. With a swift strike, he killed Daigon and his followers flooded into Daigon's Citadel. Bringing carnage and war to Daigon's people. When Justinian retreated, preparing to hunt down the other gods in a bid for power, Arkanath himself descended from his heavenly home. Above him, in the skies, his wife cried laminations. The father bid Eygun take his brother. Eygun did as asked and rose a mountain to be used as a tomb for his brother. In the meantime, Iliath's tears turned Nagath sour. In her sadness, death started prevailing over life. Arkanath came back from the mountain, only to find Daigon's Legion in deep, painful mourning. With a fury, he whipped the mortals into shape again. With a demand for vengeance, he made them all cry out in hatred. Then he personally blessed every single survivor. If they swore to extract vengeance upon Justinian or any of his followers, then Arkanath himself would bless them. [hider=Rituals] [i]The Culling[/i] - A crude, raider's ritual. Warlords can choose to either take all prisoners as slaves or give some the chance to become freemen among his troops. If they chose the later, a Culling takes place. Which is meant to root out those not strong enough, in either body or mind, to survive. A handful of people, generally from the same village and preferably from the same family, are thrown into a makeshift arena. Either a pit or a circle of cheering warriors. With them, there is one weapon. Mostly it's a club or a rusty dagger. The last one standing is allowed to join Arkanath's Oathbearers as a freeman. Though he is meant to look after himself then. Meaning he still needs to acquire his own food, his own slaves (which is considered pivotal in surviving as an Oathbearer) and his own weapons. While the culling can be considered a hotbed for traitors among the Oathbearers, most seem to feel that they have no way back or no reason to return to Justinianism. Those recently through a Culling have a battle of faith. After that, they have a more physical battle achieve means for survival. Eventually, they are as much a Freeman as any other. If not more, as their feverish, converted belief often burns even brighter. [i]Giftbegging Sacrifice[/i] - For ages the Freemen of Arkanath's Oathbearers, from the seafarers to the horse masters, each begged the favor of Daigon or some other god. Many travel far and wide to find a Waystone. One of the holy stones that litter the coast and the Ashen Plains. Sometimes these obelisks are circled by other stones. Or sometimes they stand in solitude, utterly random. Warlords and warriors alike bring gifts. Arkanath demands are steepest: Justinians, blood, and bones. Warriors seeking his gifts deliver slaves from raids, cast down the charred bones of warriors, Justinian and other Nagathian dwellers alike, and fight bloody duels before the Waystones. Others seek the favor the Godess of Fear herself. So she would instill their enemies with a heart-shattering dread. Though she does not care for blood or bones. She wants the Justinian women and girls. So they can suffer as she does. She wants the scrolls talking about other kingdoms, far in the East and West. Assuring her that her children still live. Warlords generally give entire feasts around a certain, or a group, of Waystones. Begging the favor of the many gods but mostly of the Primordials. Leaving everything from food to slaves. When they return, they once more deliver sacrifice to the same Waystones. This time in the shape of bones, blood, and weapons. After that, they leave the Waystones. After several years they return. The slaves are gone and the food too. The bones, however, are pale bleached in the sun and seemingly fused together by an unknown force. The metal from the weapons and armor is fused together. Making powerful arms and protection. Nobody knows for sure who leaves these gifts. Nobody knows how they are made. But all believe it are the divine servants of Arkanath that made these gifts from the sacrifices. [/hider] [b]Faction Description:[/b] There are only two states of citizenship within Arkanath's Forsworn: slave of a freeman. Slaves are the largest among the population. Many still carry a chain around their neck to mark them. There is no discrimination among the slaves. That is, even minotaurs can be taken as slaves. These slaves are generally taken from surrounding villages. Either from Justinian's Marches or from the East. Even wanderers through the Ashen Plains are not safe. These slaves are in charge from all civilian duties. From fishing and sowing to mending cloths. There is a sole exception on their duties and that is forging steel. Which is deemed too important for them and is generally done by the Freemen. The Freemen are generally those born from Freemen. They have the right to take and hold slaves, work metal and many other things. Basically, they can do almost anything. Though many have the duty to march into war. Which they do with excited glee. While slaves are used to tend to the day to day livelihood, Freemen fill their days by constant battle. Hardening themselves for the next rain up the Imperium's March Kingdoms. Slaves can become Freemen through 2 ways. A chieftain, upon plundering and looting a village, can start a ritual called the culling. Basically, families are thrown in a makeshift ring when captured. With one heavy rock in the middle of it. The last person of the family standing is allowed to become a Freeman. Though those that do generally are a little "tweaked". Another way for a slave to become a Freeman is also through combat. After their capture, if their master allows it, a slave can engage in arena battles. Commonly setup for the amusement of other Freemen. Lowly arena battles are basically fistfights. Though the higher up you go, the more exotic they become. Chieftains would allow their slaves simple weapons. Arena fights hosted by a Bloody Prophet could feature trained slaves. Fights between Prophets could get so exotic they feature dangers animals to fight the strongly armed gladiators. Winning slaves can be traded for higher prices though are also a source or prestige and renown (there are Freemen that dedicate themselves entirely to the training of slaves). Chieftains generally co-operate at a limited base, organizing raids against the marches. Which is considered the main source of income of Arkanath's Oathbearers. Some raids are more successful than others and the most successful ones can turn into strong crusades becoming a real threat. Especially when blessed by more than one Bloody Prophet. The northern are considered fair seafarers. As they can fight the waves on a daily basis. The Ashen Plains generally host the horse master tribes. For whom constant movement is critical to their survival and generally roam as nomadic tribes. The Ashen Plains and the Northern Coast are generally dotted by stone circles and monoliths. Used as markers and places of worship. [b]Faction history:[/b] WIP [b]Important characters:[/b] [hider=Neithranough the Burning Warlord] [b]Name:[/b] Neithranough of Megnainu. [b]Alias:[/b] Burning Warlord [b]Title:[/b] Bloody Prophet [b]Character description:[/b] Neithranough is the recent and greatest thread to everything Justinian. As a Bloody Prophet, he can command several tribes to do his bidding. With every day passing, his fame grows within the Oathbearers, meaning other tribes and even chieftains will choose to join him. Neithranough was born 37 years ago among the Horse-tribe of Megnainu. He learned how to fight and how to ride a horse at a very young age. When he turned 15 he joined the marauders for the March Raids. It was in the villages where he showed unconscious devotion to the Lord of War and the Lady of Death. Bringing carnage with fire and smoke. When then continued, he pulled the heads on ropes behind him as a symbol for the next village. They returned after his 16th birthday, after his first baptism in blood against the Justinian. Neithranough pulled most of the slaves with him. Many years and raids passed. In each Neithranough grew more vicious and cruel. He burned out eyes, forcing his slaves to march behind him blind. With only a taut rope to guide them. Those he did not like he locked into a hut and set fire to it. Standing and taking in the screams coming from inside. When he turned 21 he felt a strange call from the blood around him. The Bloody Prophet of his tribe heard it too and knew there was more to Neithranough than being a common champion of Arkanath. The Prophet started teaching him in the ancient art of blood-runes. An art said to be passed on by Arkanath himself. The runes, drawn on the body, would grant power beyond imagination. These days, Neithranough rides in a chariot pulled by 4 wild, black steeds. With bow and spear, he has killed many. Leaving a trail of devastation and destruction. But no raid ever sated his hunger. Quite the opposite. He constantly wants more. [/hider] [/hider]