[color=FireBrick][h2][center]Journey through the Lush Dark[/center][/h2][/color] Wrath continued on through the underground passage, but as he walked, he began to try and figure out what purpose it might have served. All along the walls of the tunnel was various ruins, most of which looked to have served burial purposes. It would make sense, considering that what the Nephilim knew of the Third Kingdom had them burying their dead in such manners. He did wonder though, if they'd ever considered that should Hell ever really wish to, their buried dead would serve as rather fitting vessels for some of the lesser demons. [color=FireBrick][i]Likely not, since the truth of both Heaven and Hell is recent news to them, so to speak. Still, should probably bring it up with Souta next time I see him.[/i][/color] [hr] [color=Black][h2][center]An Unexpected Meeting[/center][/h2][/color] [center][@I-Am-X][/center] In the jungle above the tunnels, and even in the canopy above ground level, the forces of Heaven and Hell clashed for control of one of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse. On the ground, a squad of Army of Light angels crossed blades with a group of Demons, dancing back and forth as fighters on both sides of the conflict. An Angel spits a Phantom Guard on his blade and throws him aside, only to be taken from behind by a Goreclaw, ripped apart by the demonic hound. This is but an example of the battles waging all across the jungle. However, a four man squad of Hell Guard angels avoid the bulk of these conflicts. These particular angels were tasked with removing the smaller groups of more elite from the fight, and so far had managed to even out the fight in four different locations, removing Hell Lusts, Fausts, and others. The largest [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/darksiders/images/0/03/Ds_angelicfigures10.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120124210321]angel[/url] of the group bore a large shield and a sword of pure light, and appeared for all intents and purposes to be a standard champion. However, his shield also carried a cannon in it, which would unleash divine wrath on those in it's sights. Flying some distance to his right, a female [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/91/2c/33/912c33ca24e9879034dec68485e3a475.jpg]angel[/url] armed with a spear kept a careful watch for attacks from below them, her silver armor shining in what sun made it through the dense canopy. The third [url=http://orig07.deviantart.net/8117/f/2010/365/9/c/angel_in_armor_by_charmance96-d362sde.png]member[/url] of the squad carried an angelic [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/50/2d/e1/502de1e92d6dcd84837394dae1a4cfa5.jpg[/url]sniper rifle[/url], a rapier hanging from her hip. She also kept a sharp watch on the ground while the large angel watched for Fallen Angels. The final member, pulling up the rear, had a katana sheathed at his side and a shotgun in his hand, surveying for their targets. The flight was mostly uneventful, the occasional Minion or Gorehound leaping up to try and pull them out of the sky, but often found themselves put down midair from either a cannon blast or sniper round. Spotting a group of Hell Lusts moving to ambush a patrol of Angel Soldiers, the champion turned. [b]"Shall we Zarrath?"[/b] The angel in question, nodded, though he seemed distracted as he looked off to the right. [color=Black]"Go, I can feel something stronger nearby. Ladonna."[/color] The spear wielding angel looked towards Zarrath, cocking her head slightly. [color=Black]"Take command and continue with our assignment. I will contact you if I need help. Bael, Sonna, follow her orders this time.[/color] Bael, the large angel, shrugged with an impish grin beneath his helm only to receive a jab to the gut from the blunt end of Ladonna's spear. While the three turned and ambushed the Lusts, Zarrath landed and approached the presence on foot. Something had felt familiar about it, but he had to be sure, as it had been several centuries since the battle with the White Woman of the Scottish Highlands. However, as he cleared the brush and came into sight of the presence's owner, accompanied by what appeared to be a Madamma of Inferno, he was able to confirm it was indeed who he thought it was. Stepping into the open, he placed the shotgun on his back and drew his katana, a small handful of runes along it's length shimmering slightly. [color=Black]"The White Woman of the Scottish Highlands. It has been a long time, Layla."[/color]