A vague look of surprise crossed Ana's face when Sky mentioned the rudeness associated with staring. She seemed to recall having heard that before at some point somewhere... Unfortunately, the more serious issue was Ana's complete lack of ability in recognizing that she was, in fact, staring at someone. Still, a small voice in the back of her head seemed utterly convinced that it would notice this breach of etiquette next time. Only time would tell. Sky's apology, however, got a shake of the head. [color=00aeef]"Oh, don't worry about it. I get the same way sometimes. It takes a lot to disturb me though."[/color] In truth, anything short of a derailing train or a particularly enthusiastic elephant stampede was unlikely to draw Ana's attention when she was focused. Her absent-mindedness had gotten her in trouble more than once, not that those incidents had managed to change much. Ana's eyebrows rose slightly upon being informed of the book's subject. Mythology had always been interesting to her, science not so much. Still, the juxtaposition was at least somewhat intriguing to the girl. [color=00aeef]"That sounds... neat."[/color] The girl's dreamy voice floated lazily across the room. [color=00aeef]"Maybe I should read about that sometime..."[/color] The thought of borrowing the book hadn't occurred to her, even though that was essentially what she had just implied, in a roundabout fashion. Mya didn't seem to know the girl from anywhere, which probably meant Sky was new to Wachata's finer points as well.