A warm glow is kindled in his stomach as he watches the innkeeper examine the fruits of his labor. [i]'He seems pleased, but I get the feeling he's a bit worried about something. I guess I'll ask him about it when we start eating'[/i] Tatsuki smiles at the boy's blush, letting out a quiet chuckle. Pushing off the counter he slides forward, brushing past Shigetoshi to grab one of the large serving boards. “If you would be so kind.” he murmurs softly. Slipping around the young man he calls over his shoulder, “I dished everything out into the required eight servings, so obviously it's one of each dish per person. There are extras in the pots and such back here should there be need for more.” With that he saunters out of the kitchen an in to the little hall leading to the dinning area. [i]'Now, let's see if I haven't lost my edge with my cooking'[/i] Taking a breath, he moves slowly and steadly down the hall, the sounds of voices at the far end making his stomach turn. [i]'You know, my real job may be more important, but sometimes I think stuff like this is more stressful on me. I mean, I know that no matter what, in the end, as long as the soul is harvested and guided properly, all is well. But with stuff like my cooking, even if I get the dish perfect, there's always the chance that it won't be received well. Why do I do this?'[/i] Brushing aside his misgivings about the situation he steps out into the murmurs of voice, which hush as he enters. [i]'That and in my real job I never have an audience, at least if I do things right'[/i] Dropping his eyes a bit he moves carefully around the room delivering his dishes. First to the old couple, who give him wide grins. Then to the group of three sitting close around a single table. The two girls from earlier exclaim loudly in delight over each plate. The taller one looks up at him, her eyes bright, “When Sanada-san told us earlier what you were making, we were kind of put off by how common it sounded, but now, looking at this. And the smell! It's just amazing Tatsuki-kun!” Rolling his eyes with a chuckle he murmurs, “I thank you for the assessment, but maybe you should taste it first so I feel I have actually earned the praise miss.” She giggles at him but her response is cut off by him standing and moving off towards the last patron sitting alone at a table in the back corner. As he set the fine ceramics down his eyes stay a little too long on the man's face, drawing out a questioning look from him. Tatsuki shakes his head and smile. “Enjoy.” His voice is a little rough, as if he's got something stuck in the back of his throat, but he manages to maintain his smile as he walks to an empty table with the last few dishes. Once they are in place on the table he settles on to one of the mats and waits for Shigetoshi to finish handing out his portions. [i]'I need this break. I really do. . .'[/i] Tatsuki can not see the slightly haunted look that has taken up residence in his eyes as he waits.