"Hatter's my old man. [i]I know.[/i]" Ghent grumbled, leaning against the table nearest to him. The fact that he was related to Hatter was something he'd been reminded of several times, but he wasn't all too pleased about it. So far, he'd only felt the pressure of expectations he had no idea if he was capable of meeting. Why should he be compared to Hatter if he'd no recollection of the man? It wasn't as if he'd been taught magic, he'd only just learned about it. Though Ghent didn't fancy the idea of having to prove himself so early on, he didn't want to back down from the challenge. Elayra made conjuring fire seem simple enough, and she'd made the rain-shield vanish without a single word. At least this way he wouldn't have Drust there to witness his first attempt at sorcery. "[i]Believe in it? [/i]How could I have believed in it? It's never been proven to exist!" Ghent had a feeling Elayra's opinion of him would not change unless he got the magic to work. Though he'd tried to tell himself that he didn't care what she thought, he did care. Proving himself was important if he wished to earn any amount of respect. With an aggravated sigh, Ghent closed his eyes and unintentionally mimicked Elayra by folding his own arms across his chest. "To quote you, we're wasting time. Lets get this over with."