“Oh well,” Rebecca sighed. “I guess we’ll have to beat down someone else for information at some point.” The Ralts shrugged. She guessed that their client really was still asleep. She did take the time to listen to his muttering, though. It seemed oddly familiar. It did give her some idea of how to wake the poor thing up, though. “I guess you’re right, Dexter,” Rebecca said, feigning defeat. “There’s no point in wasting our energy on him. It’s a lost cause. I suppose we’ll have to come back to him after we finish the mi-” The Ralts quickly teleported next to the Bronzor and stared him right in the face... or body, she wasn’t quite sure where the distinction was. “HEY!” she shouted, “NEXT EPISODE OF THE STEEL SAMUROTT IS ON IN TEN! IF YOU WANNA JUST SIT THERE AND MISS HOW HE’S GONNA GET OUT OF THE EVIL MAGIKARPS SCHEME TO PIT HIM AGAINST THE JAMMIN’ SHEDINJA, THEN GO ON AHEAD AND SLEEP RIGHT THROUGH IT! OTHERWISE I WANNA SEE THOSE EYES OPEN AND READY FOR ACTION!” She was a bit surprised; even she didn't know that she could be that loud. Hopefully her scheme would pay off, though.