[color=ed1c24]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qYJsudJ.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center]Interactions: [@Silver Fox][/center] Before Wildpaw could respond to Frostbite's teasing, the other cats began their daily gathering to hear of the day's assignments. Presently, all but a few of the warriors stood around the Koa. As he began, Wildpaw heard the sound of large paw-steps, smelled the familiar scent of his mentor Greycloud approaching from behind him. Wildpaw practically bounced into the air, whirling around to her in excitement. [color=ed1c24]"You mean...Great SkyTribe! My first border patrol?"[/color] Though admittedly he had fairly extensively explored most parts of Wavetribe's territory, Wildpaw was rarely able to escape in broad daylight, when the forest was at its liveliest. he began hopping up and down —an action that quickly ceased when Wildpaw looked up at his mentor's expression. Wildpaw took a moment to compose himself, took a deep breath to stifle —or, at least, hide— his eagerness, before mewing back to Greycloud, [color=ed1c24]"Yes. I'm ready."[/color] Though his mentor likely wouldn't approve of him skipping his morning meal, his anticipation far outweighed his hunger; fresh-kill was the farthest thing from important at that moment. As Fernlight padded over to join them, Wildpaw was almost already out of the camp. Even from afar it appeared obvious that he wished to make haste to meet whatever the day held in store. [color=0076a3]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hF1TJUi.jpg[/img][/center] [color=0076a3]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center]Interactions: [@Vashonn][@1Hawkeyes][/center] The sounds of camp had grown quite loud before Stormfur elected to awaken. Having been assigned to the removal party the day before, she figured there was no reason to get up [i]too[/i] early. Bright silver eyes opened to find the den mostly empty, save the other dormice that slumbered this late. [i][color=0076a3]Now's as good a time as any[/color][/i] she thought, reluctantly rolling onto her back, flailing her paws around ungracefully to stretch. A small yawn escaped her grey snout, after which she rose and proceeded out of the roots of the great Eucalyptus. Kits ran frantically, warriors collected around the Koa, the elders lay lazily in their den; all in all, a perfectly normal morning. She padded to the fresh-kill pile, where she sat for a moment before just grabbing one of the remaining mice sitting atop it. Stormfur hastily devoured the small brown rodent, before shifting her attention to the warriors gathered around Frostbite. She spotted Cavetooth, her companion for today's removal party, and padded towards him. She sat beside Hawkpaw, mewing a greeting to both of them. She hoped that Flamestorm and Nightpaw would return soon; sleeping in so late had made her feel listless.