[center][h3]School > Yoshida Book Cafe 20/7/2015 - Monday[/h3] [@Floodtalon][@Vulkan][@Takaru][/center] It didn't look like anyone had any objections, so with that decided they went off on their way, with Rui leading on, and awkward silence pervading them. The shopping mall wasn't a long walk from the school, so it was little surprise that the mall was teeming with students enjoying their first day of summer break, doing whatever they will. They were of course still in uniform like they were, since they only had to show up to school today for results. After a brief walk through the mall they finally arrived at the book cafe. Predictably it had mostly students as it's patrons today, some chatting, others reading, others reading while enjoying something from the cafe. It was a nice, cozy little place with basically a small library at the back of the store, with the cafe at the storefront. What does stand out most is how new this place looks in comparison to other stores outside the mall, it really drove home that Warakuma was starting to become a much more populated place, the booming industry in the area was greatly affecting the town. What kind of effects though were not Rui's current concern, [color=slategray]"So what do you guys usually read?"[/color], he asked as he stepped in. He knew what Ryan reads, he is also a member of the Manga club after all, but the other two... Well as he was asking this he was just grabbing any manga, just a volume or two of something he hasn't read yet.