[hider=The O' Great and Mighty Ping List] [@Kyrisse][@BlackPanther][@Gareth][@Esailia][@canaryrose][@Xandrya][@Shadow Daedalus][@Caits] [/hider] Posting Rules : 3 days, 2 warnings and you're out. Everyone right outside the gates that lead into the courtyard and from there to the gates and outside of Citadel. Also. Xan. [quote]And she's no expert with the bow and arrow, although she handled it prior to her imprisonment, she just figured it couldn't hurt to carry one. [/quote] Prior to her imprisonment ? If she learned how to use a bow inside her mother's womb I'm ok with it but if not...not. In the first few months of life the baby is taken to the Citadel and raised there inside a nursery and when old enough they are put inside a cell.