Aura stood there in a dark, short dress, her Magic pistols in holsters strapped to her thighs on top of the dress. She stayed stoic, for the sake of her guild members, or at least she tried to. However, anyone who looked on could see she had failed, they could see the tears leaking down her face. It was obvious Aura had failed in her mission to bolster Fairy Tail's morale. Natsu was an influential member of Fairy Tail, very influential indeed, and Aura didn't necessarily want to go against him. However, she had her own opinions, and for once she intended to speak her mind. Stepping to the front of the crowd, she had her right hand clenched in a fist and her left curled around the grip of her left pistol "Laxus is powerful, and he's the only blood Master Makarov had in this group, but....I vote for Lockheart." She stopped, realizing she had others attention, and a mental squeak resounded in her mind. She hadn't realized, consciously, that she had stepped to the front till now. With a soft breath to gather herself, she continued "I don't have anything against Laxus, at least not anymore, but still..." With that, she stepped back into the crowd, once again becoming one with the mass of grief. Her hands twitched slightly, they itched to shoot something. They itched to destroy whatever enemy had made her guildmates sad, but there was no enemy to destroy, at least not now. With that, Aura held up her right fist, bearing her guild mark, to signify that she'd voted, and to provide support and a rally point for her guildmates.