[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C4njhfP.png[/img] [sub][@AluminumDude][/sub][/center][hr][hr] Well, following this map was easy as it got. Justin was not so dense that a simple map was a challenge for him. The only challenge was trying to figure out where he was going to go from there. Yeah, he could claim a cabin, set up a bed, and hope for the best that Camp What-the-fuck doesn't go sour for him. On the other hand, he could make some friends here. So far, all he could see were girls. While making a few girly friends might be great and all, it might put into question his [i]masculinity[/i] (Though, bagging a girlfriend here might throw people off his trail, so to speak). Eh, most of them seemed busy, you know, heading to their cabins, and nothing screams "potential rapist" than following a bunch of girls back to their home. So, just be patient. His grandmother says that patience pays off in the end, and there wasn't like there weren't other opportunities. [i]For example,[/i] there was this curly haired boy that looked rich as he was. Kind of cute, too. So, this was like a bingo going off in Justin's mind. He picked up the pace, and then walked alongside him. "Heeeeey!" Justin said to the mysterious boy. "You new here at Camp Horror movie?" He asked him with a light chuckle.