Johnny had to hand it to them, whoever this group of people were they really knew how to stir things up in a hot second. One moment Johnny had been scanning over the crowd the next hell broke loose, quite literally it seemed. The man that was once serving the oh so lovely booze of the evening seemed to show his true colors which just happened to be those of a demon with just too much of a bacon theme going on for Johnny's liking. It didn't even seem like a moment later that a couple that Johnny had watched get lead into the back room came bursting back into the open like a pair of mad men, but to top that it seemed that they were a pair of magic users. [color=0054a6][i]"Great, this makes things easier."[/i][/color] The breathing impaired fellow thought to himself with a figurative roll of his eyes. Johnny considered taking a moment to think the situation over, from what he knew these two magic users could be the cultists that he was tracking and that this demon could be a magic spell of theirs gone wrong, but current situation given and the fact that the building was still brimming with bystanders Johnny decided to act. [color=003471][b]"Okay, lets get down to business."[/b][/color] Johnny said aloud to himself before allowing himself to become visible and dropping down to ground level. The first thing he did was erect a decent sized barrier of energy that helped separate the evacuating citizens and the current chaos. The next he projected a copy of himself on the other side of the barrier that helped direct the citizens out while saying the helpful message of [color=0054a6][b]"If you would like to avoid ending up like me I recommend moving faster."[/b][/color] With that done Johnny was able to turn his attention to the real problem, what ever the hell one would call this mess. [color=0054a6][b]"So anyone want to take responsibility for all you this you know, nonsense, or should I assume it is all of you?"[/b][/color]