I've done part of mine and am struggling on how to discribe people I haven't see in action [u][b]Relations[/b][/u] [b][u]Cadet Adam Kerrick[/u][/b] [b][u]Master Chief Eso Rosk[/u][/b] [b][u]Cadet Captain Lorelei[/u][/b] To Reva Lorelei was an interesting choice for a Captain because she came from so passive a race and her specialty was more as an Engineer and therefore less likely to have the aggressive nature required of a Warbird which a Starfleet Captain was surely a member. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know her job or that Reva wished to replace her anytime soon just an odd puzzle that she often found was normal for the Universe and sure to be a fascinating story to observe unfolding. [u][b]Cadet Ayna Nyx[/b][/u] Anya was someone who shared Reva’s familiarity with starships being as she was a Fleetbrat and raised on Fleet vessels. Not for a moment did Reva think her the same as she was because the Star people Ayna had traveled with were of the Warbirds of the Federation and had stricter environments in which to raise their children. She could see it sometimes displayed by the Tactician when others became less than becoming of an officer of Starfleet. Luckily Reva also noticed that Anya was like her in the area of synergy knowing that a starship required a loss of privacy and the liberal use of diplomacy to maintain a team. [u][b]Cadet T'eklil Rarr[/b][/u] Reva considered T’eklil as mildly intimidating when she first met him then she considered all the tests of her own personality and psychology which the Academy had subjected herself and all the others to in the interest of testing their fitness as officers; it took her all of three minutes to come to this decision. [b][u]Cadet Slazkith[/u][/b] What could Reva say; “Slazkith was a male Gorn” She knew of Gorn from her schooling but he was the first one she’d ever met in her and she could see that he was [b][u]Cadet Authur Locklin[/u][/b]