The air was too dry and the wind, if he wasn't safely behind a suit of power armour would have been more than a little annoying with it's harsh bite and the rough particulate it whipped around. His HUD filled with relevant mission data but he ignored a lot of it in favour of another image displayed from the other side of his helmet. Blue text scrolled unread down his right cheek as his left displayed the picture of a certain little lady he had grown close to in the last year. It was a special picture that she took for his eyes only a couple months back. And it's contents always gave him plenty of incentive to make it back to the Hyperion in one piece during a deployment. Let Solares worry about mission specs and map layouts. “Haha! Let's do this!” The 'artistic' portait was blinked away and Sebastian was once more focused and present in the real world, Raring to go and practically bounding with each step towards the dominion base. Power assisted strength let Sebastian heft his C-14 as easily as a child might wave around a popgun. Taking aim and tapping the trigger in preparation. Not quite pulling it, just bouncing his finger off the metal. This was why he joined the rebellion. Why he was a marine. Taking the fight to the dominion directly. So much more visceral and satisfying than being a mechanic or a scientist or whatever other trades Swann was always complaining he needed more hands and bodies for. To slow paced, and required a deeper well of patience than Sebastian currently possessed. “I got the one on the left.” Thank whatever god there was in the universe for the protective dome/visor of his armour. Otherwise this wind sand would be annoying as shit to aim through. His bright blue paint was already caked in a thin layer of dust. After a full hour on this planet he would probably look like a great big sand golem.