Name: Nina Ann Tucker Age: 27 Gender: Female Nationality: American Sexuality: Straight [hider=Appearance][IMG][/IMG] Nina stands and a whopping 5 feet 10 inches and weighs about 145 pounds.[/hider] Family: Mother- Deceased/infected Younger Brother and sister (twins)- Deceased/infected Father- Unknown Fiance- Unknown Past occupation: Botanist Personality: Nina is a pacifist, she hates the though of violence however she is not stupid, she knows not all things can be solved with words, especially in the face of the walking dead where the only goal is to kill and eat. She will avoid harming another being if at all possible. She is an intelligent person, often being able to problem solve in a matter of minutes. She is also a kind person, giving people her trust until they prove they do not deserve it. This however can make her a little naive when it comes to the intentions of other people. Background: Nina grew up in New York, she knows the city like the back of her hand. Her mother owned a bakery and her father was a mechanic. Her twin siblings were four years younger. She was an intelligent child, skipping two grades in her early years and graduating on the top 10 percent of her class. She always had a fascination for plant life, often being seen in the library, reading books about various plants, in her small garden at home, or in Central Park drawing or examining the plants there. It was only natural for her to go to college to get herself a botany degree. She was a full time student with a weekend job, and she lived with her parents while she was going to school. It was while she was schooling that she met her boyfriend and later fiancé. When she graduated she managed to get herself a small job working at a local green house. It wasn’t much but it was enough to start her off, she wanted to move up to become a researcher, coming up with natural medicines to help people. It was while she was at work that the infection spread out of control. In an attempt to make sure her family was safe she rushed home, only to fine blood covering many of the surfaces. Her mother and siblings had somehow been infected. Her father was nowhere to be found and he hadn’t answered her calls. The same was true for her fiancé. Not knowing where do go she somehow made her way downtown after gathering some supplies and holed herself up in an office building that had luckily been abandoned. It was her that she has managed to survive. Living off of potatoes, mushrooms and beans, some of the faster growing and more protein rich plants. However she is running out of supplies and drinkable water. She will have to venture out eventually. What's in their bag: Currently just some spare clothes and a pocket knife. Weapons: A pocket knife and a gun she found in one of the desks in the office (no ammo) Other: