Izzy took a breath as Blake answered her, trying to at least appear calm. She grabbed a roll of paper towels from the counter, tearing one off as she tried to remember if Trevor had given her any names. Alas, she did not remember him doing so, and the White Wolf could have attacked any number of people close to the park. “Yeah, well.” She wiped up the orange juice, not looking to Blake as she spoke. “Be careful, would you? Unreal as it is, there’s [i]someone[/i] crazy lurking around who can take out a karate master. Don't try to play hero. Avoid the park for a while. Don’t go out after dark. Yadda, yadda.” She waved her hand almost dismissively, then wadded the paper towel up. “Leave that to the police.” She looked to him with a new worry for their parents. “Thinking of, know who’s been put on that?” She held her breath as she awaited his reply.