[center][img]http://imgur.com/NAoC3nS.jpg[/img][/center] The revelations about this particular Nightmare's nature disturbed Jiangli. He never particularly liked dealing with the more esoteric varieties of Nightmare such as this one. Something like this being weaponized by malicious parties definitely should have attracted Prohibitum attention if they ever caught wind of it, but it seemed that the Cleaners had heard first. Likely for the better, all things considered. Still, if they failed here, Sanctum would have to be notified. Perhaps the threat of this Nightmare being utilizied by Painstakers would get the Prohibitum off of their asses. Either way, Runner geared up into his armor before they left Cash's residence, clipping his pistol and sword onto his side as he clambered into an available van. As the group of Cleaners were stopped by a crew of thugs, Runner stayed silent in the back, letting Blitz and End handle the negotiations. As a former Agent, he was out of his depth dealing with the mundane criminal element. Instead, he let one hand fall down to the pistol clipped to his side, letting it rest there for now.