[color=9e0b0f]"You filthy cheat! You coin swindling son of a whore!"[/color] exclaimed one of Stefano's gambling partners, after losing his bid in for the fourth time in a row. Stefano raised his eybrow and responded in a regal indignation, [color=fff200]I beg you're pardon? Dear sir you've watched me roll this dice each and everytime. In what way could I be cheating?"[/color] he was genuinely curious. He contemplated cheating when the game started but unable to figure out a method he resided to trust chance like a true sportsman. Fortune favored his faith by rewarding him with the first win. He lost the next cast, won the next two, lost one last time and then started his hot streak. The man who accused him was a large ox of a man who moments before expected to be filling his pockets with a strangers gold. He continued his rant, [color=9e0b0f]"Weighted dice, some sort of Dwarven magnets in the bowl all sorts of ways you Nobel bastards try to trick honest folks out of their coin!"[/color] Good ideas. Stefano responded, [color=fff200]"My friend I assure you I am merely trying to create a little fun, and ease the tension of the camp. Would you like to roll your own dice..."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"No I want my coin and your's as well!"[/color] the man interrupted, reaching for the cudgel at his belt. Immediately Stefano's hounds roused themselves from their passivity and advanced menecingly, growling lowly and baring their teeth. Stefano smiled at the man's panic. [color=fff200]"Walk away. Unlike the sorry conscrips polluting this camp, I'm looking forward to the bloodshed tomorrow. Don't spoil my appetite."[/color] The man and his gambling companions took his threat to heart and ran away into the camp. Stefano chuckled and collected the abandoned coins, entered his tent and grabbed a ornate gilded cage. A curious caw emminated from the the cage. [color=fff200]"Not tonight my sweet. Plenty of blood and sweets in the morning! Best not waste the bullets on the yokels."[/color] Stefano reassured the bird while grabbing his arquebus. He returned to the camp and say the oaf embodied by a small cohort of his drinking buddies. Stefano not wanting to cause conflict on the eve of battle lead his little entourage into a different portion of camp. Seeing a man in a tricorn hat holding an awkward conversation. He approached the two with a smile. [color=fff200]"Hello comrades it seems my campsite has become overpopulated. Who is the good sport who is willing to part with a piece of campfire for tonight?"[/color] [@Skull]