[quote=@PrivateVentures] [@SgtEasy] I did a bit of study into how someone with a combination of psychotic tendencies, sociopathic tendencies, bipolar disorder, disassociative disorder, a conglomerate condition of abandonment issues and sadistic psychosis, severe anger management problems, and serious paranoia, resulting in advanced dementia would act. I already had the character put together, I just filled in bits and pieces to make his backstory match up with the ME universe. I figured this would be a great way to see how this character would develop. [/quote] There's really no mention of have of this in any of Ellis' CS Psyche Eval, other than a single mention of paranoia, and his xenophobia, which hasn't been as apparent IC as I thought it would. If I'd known just how extreme his issues had been I would have been far more hesitant to accept him, as the Spectres would have read his dossier and just given a big ol' "No way, this guy is far too much trouble". We had Leos Klien edit his sheet to better allow Giles to merge with the ME world we're trying to create here, and his psychosis is arguably far less threatening to the team than that which Ellis apparently has. Maybe you chose to leave that information out to tease at it in the IC, or maybe it's my fault for not reading in between the lines, but all this will have to have some kind of repercussion, IC wise at the very least. After all, at what stage would it become irresponsible for the Spectres to keep an individual like this on their team? Isn't he just as much of a danger to them as he is to everyone else? Couple his mental imbalance with his sketchy service history, and their suspicions that he has been indoctrinated (just because he claims not to be indoctrinated doesn't mean they wont still suspect that that is the case) and I'm really struggling to think of a reason why they wouldn't just let him go, never-mind actually lock him up. [u][b]This one goes for everyone in the game, so please pay attention to it. I feel like I've said something similar to it a couple of times now, and I don't want to have to repeat myself.[/b][/u] Remember [@MrDidact] and I still have to create in-story reasons for the Spectres doing the things that they do. Otherwise what would be the point of having a narrative? So that means I have to have a reason for why they've invited all these varied space-people onto their task force, and then why they keep them. [I]'Because they've distinguished themselves in the line of duty'[/i] has served as a good enough reason for why all of your characters have been recruited. As it's still so relatively early in the IC the reason for the Spectres keeping contract with the characters who join them has yet to be seen, but I will have to find one. [i]'Because they have numerous mental issues and might shoot a teammate at any moment'[/i], [i]'because they're a trained professional who accidentally blew up the team with a recon droid'[/i], and [i]'because they opened fire after seeing a Geth acting non-hostilely'[/i] aren't great reasons. If I seem harsh it's because I worry the game is getting away from the serious, realistic tone that I had in mind for it. Yes, comedy is all well and good, and yes, I do think it has a place here. But I don't want slapstick, comical situations becoming the main focus here, and nor do I want it to become a soap-opera like melodrama. All I'm asking is to tone down the more bizarre, surreal, and downright silly antics.