[quote=@AquaAzura] she fights both close range and far range as she uses a Shotgun and a Sniper rifle nobody would ever expect it. Sniper kills is rewarding in it's own way. And agreed Krogan like to head butt, shot gunned and biotically charge at their foes, might be why Turians use long range weapons most of the time lmao! If you think so I can give Milina a try as the way you make it sound she fits better then I thought. But I will still wait for your post before making her introduction. Asari's must always come fashionably late, after all if they come too early it might be by a few decades. [/quote] As someone who recreationally shoots around 200-400m at the gun range, it's super satisfying nailing a target the first try. Turians are mostly about overwhelming the enemy with as much hard hitting weapons and tactics as they can muster without much of a care for collateral. They aren't afraid of much, and that includes closing with and destroying krogan. [quote=@BlackSam3091] [@Dervish] Keeping the fighting to a polite distance is a good idea, but just so damn impersonal. There's no other feeling in the world like beating a man too death with your own two fists, to hear the soft mewling that marks the last breath escaping from their torn lips, to see the life fade slowly from the eyeballs that you've just finished mushing into a paste, and watch the blood and brains slowly pool around the shattered carcass that used to be a person. By the way, and this is totally unrelated, but can anyone provide me with an alibi for the evening of the twentieth? [/quote] [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/872/113/a45.png[/img] [quote=@Leos Klien] Aside from our GMs extracurricular activities, what's everyone's best sniper kill in the ME series? I've got two personally, one on ME1, nailed a shot from over 300 meters away which was cool asf. And secondly, on ME multiplayer, Guy got put down by two Cerberus Dragoons, about to get executed, I rolled and pulled off a double headshot on them from one widow round, and picked the guy up. Never felt as much as a Bad ass as that moment. [/quote] Mass Effect is pretty simplistic when it comes to sniping. For games in general, Red Orchestra 2 I had one round of going 64-0 from around 200ish meters picking off other snipers and machine-gunners that popped up in windows, as well as taking down people trying to leave the building. I don't know how their snipers never found me, regardless if I relocated ever 2-3 kills, there's only so many places to go. Playing Halo Reach, I managed to pick off two guys with two headshots trying to mount a Warthog, scoring another headshot of someone rushing me with a shotgun, and with the last round in the 4 round mag, took down another guy's shields and grenade killed him. I still have that clip on my 360. My friend when playing Sniper Elite did about a 150m shot that went through two heads, hit the gas cap on a Tiger tank, blowing it up, and the explosion killed 3 other soldiers. It took him like 5 retrys to get it but it was amazing. Same friend was also playing SOCOM 2 and while sniping, a grenade landed right in front of him, filling his entire scope to the point you could read the writing on it before it exploded and killed him.