[center][color=pink][h3]"Disneyland? Fuck, man, this is better than Disneyland!"[/h3][/color][/center] [color=plum]The curl of her lips only escalated as she watched the magenta toned fauna rip apart before them, scattering drifts of pollen that could almost be considered cover if they weren’t such a god awful hue dispersed amongst their equally vibrant counterparts. Through the scope she watched as bursts of blue began to join in the variety of pinks and purples. Swaths of the blue were being painted across the perennial and exotic surroundings as if someone was flinging a brush to recreate a terrifying jaunt hand in hand with Lance Johnson. It was an odd sort of beauty that struck her through the ambient rattling of gunfire and a slight giggle began to skitter across the comms. She attempted to repress the escalating snicker, but it pressed back like a fit one falls into on the brink of exhaustion or the onset of momentary insanity. Seeing as they were in butt fuck space it was likely a blend of the two, but luckily for herself and those she fought alongside it seemed to fail at distracting her from their goal. Her shots continued to ring true, chasing the darting chaos that the Salvesh had slipped into with practiced accuracy and savoring the twitching of the beasts as they were hit repeatedly. Hardy fuckers, weren’t they? Park and Danny were yelling orders that, thankfully, suppressed the sound of her complete unprofessionalism and when the order came through to ‘Lift and Shift’ she took a brief second to try and shake off the laughter and be sure that Park was moving along with them. As the gunfire died out she almost had herself composed once again when she heard Danny yell out, [color=lightgray]“You got that one, right? Millionaires and fucking movie stars!"[/color] And it redoubled the misplaced humor that litted from her lips in an almost breathless wheeze of suppression. As they began to sweep and ‘dispose’ the area her whole body was now shaking with silent laughter and when she caught Danny’s eye for a moment she just shook her head and smiled, [color=lightgray]“Jesus Danny.”[/color] She made her way across the area littered with an infantile art project of gender basic colors. Her SCAR MK was now slung and dangling across her front in favor of the Sig Sauer P226 she’d pulled out for the close range clean-up crew. As she passed Park she tilted her head to get a look at his face and offered him a grin and slapped his shoulder in a gesture of gentle comfort. She accompanied the action with a wink and words that betrayed that she was still on the edge of broken reality induced humor, [color=lightgray]”’Tis but a scratch, ja?”[/color]. Then she continued on past Parks scanning the Salvesh. Some of them had been sections ripped by bullets and still seemed to squirm. They were definitely physically formidable. She wasn’t sure if she was scared. She wasn’t even sure if this was really fucking happening. She took to kneeling position to try and get a hold of herself and hydrate while they had the chance. Then she heard Julie Koh confirm multiple targets headed their way. [color=lightgray]“Fuckin’ Julie. How about some good news?”[/color] Butch adjusted herself and rose back up while she waited for Collins to offer instruction. [/color]