[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Considering it'll be in a thread, I don't think the schedule will be a problem. If in discord, it wouldn't be in voice, so you could look through what was there just fine, too. Plus, if I'm going to ask the group a question, I can tag everyone in it, and I'll wait for replies from everyone. [@JBRam2002] I've got that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. I should stop eating squirrels. [@Mesonyx] People don't do enough of any tabletop things. ;~; To be fair, it is harder to do it on here than in real, face-to-face games. [@Monster] It [i]IS[/i] awesome~ [@CaughtInTheRiddle] Just 'cause I felt like putting your name in here. But yes, 5e seems to be confirmed. Since we have 5 peeps, I won't have to make a character (unless, for some strange reason, you want a 6th character O_o) The plot, and the world, honestly, will be decided mostly by your characters and your answers to questions. Speaking of group questions: Typical game feel, super dark feel where you'll probably die lots, or lighthearted romp as murderhobos with not a care in the world?