Aha, good, this is now here, too - was not sure whether to post my original notice in bugs/issues or straight in the official news. This is the CloudFlare official blog notice again: https://blog.cloudflare.com/incident-report-on-memory-leak-caused-by-cloudflare-parser-bug/ I can confirm that yes, RPG [b][i]is[/i][/b] affected, and as it lacks some of the additional security features, perhaps even more so than the general leaked resource. There is no possibly about it; most what protects the users of this site is predominantly that it's not "critical" in terms of having transaction info or similar going through on any regular basis - it's not a profitable target, in essence. If someone wanted to pull off a mess just because, not much stopping them. (Didn't have the time to do more digging in the morning, so just remarked that RPG uses CloudFlare then and thus falls under the broad category of affected resources ... checked that there [i]are[/i] bits and pieces out there if you go looking now, though it's pretty much a given with any crawled CloudFlare site at the time being.) The github link is [b]by no means complete.[/b] The number of affected sites runs much, much more higher than that. The github link just lists some of the most prominent ones.