[center][h3][b][i][color=gold][u] Taura Minos [/u][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HOPS32X.png[/img] [@HylianRose] [@TheWindel] [@Letter Bee] [/center] [color=gold]"Hehehe, you have a good sense of humor. I like guys like you,"[/color] Taura replied to Ascot, grinning heartily. [color=gold]"Here you can have it,"[/color] The bull girl replied after taking the paper and pen, signing and returning them to their rightful owner, [color=gold]"is that all you wanted?"[/color] Having replied to Ascot, Taura was about to turn back to the talking gun when Drasil's sharp statement froze the horny girl in place, [color=gold]"Ah, come on, can't we have a little break every now and then? Thinking about breaks, I guess it's about time to go to our rooms and then, probably, for class."[/color] Taura tried to divert Drasil's attention by gently nudging her o so jealous 'friend'. [color=gold]"You too, Death Gun and suspiciously silent cat, we should get going, don't you think?"[/color] Taura tried to usher the rest of everyone together as well, knowing that she had little time before Drasil would burst... literally.