[center][b]Blair | Jungle Tabernacle [/b][/center] [center][@Zarkun][/center] As the two of them proceeded through the jungle, they sensed a strong presence making their way towards them. As they presence got closer and closer, the two of them readied themselves for battle. When the being emerged from the brush and made itself known, it was an angel she encountered once before. The moment he uttered her old name, her eyes narrowed as she kept her eyes locked onto him. It's been awhile since someone uttered that name... Her eyes drifting to the scar on his face, a slight smile appeared on her face. [color=9e0b0f][b]"The overconfident angel who once tried to remove me from the highlands once upon a time. It's been awhile, [i]Zarrath[/i]. I do hope you've learned since then."[/b][/color] She spoke with a monotone voice, without a single trace of arrogance or the slightest bit of worry in her voice. With the angle not being the kind of enemy she could avoid a battle with, Blair removed her ominous demonic spear from her back and walked forward. Zalmonah, it's a spear Zarrath is all to familar with. It was the very weapon that scarred him in their previous clash all those years ago. A weapon that seems to grow stronger as time marches on, one not to be taken lightly. With both of them done sharing words, Blair had Enepsigos lock down the battle area and use her abilities to ensure no one interferes with the battle, effectively erasing their presences. Thanks to this, there was no worries of outside interference and prevent reinforcements, less trouble the better. With that problem out of the way, she can now attack without bringing garnering more attention. Without wasting anymore time, Blair went on the attack and started with Bloody Sunday, creating a flurry of blood spikes to storm Zarrath, using the attack to charge in. [hider=Blair] [b]Name[/b]: Blair (is called Layla by some, possibly one of the names she used to go by) [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 2000+ [b]Race[/b]: Demon [b]Appearance[/b]: While in Devil Trigger, her hands turn into sharp talons, grows black wings and has Cloven Hooves. In Blood Rage, her eyes turn crimson red. [b]Faction[/b]: Hell, Serving as one of Mundus' generals. [b][Combat][/b] [b][u]Powers and Abilities[/u]:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Haemokinesis[/b]: the ability to manipulate and control blood. [*] [b]Haemokinetic Construction[/b]: ability to solidify, namely, turn her blood into objects be it tools, weapons, structures or beings akin to golems. [*] [b]Seductress[/b]: Her enchanting beauty has been known to bewitch opponents. Increased chances to charm/influence opponents, causing them to hesitate/miss an attack [/list] [b][u]Style[/u]:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Blood Oath[/b] [Lv. 2]: Has access to abilities/magic/techniques that allows her to manipulate/control her own blood and blood absorbed/consumed/stolen from an enemy. Enhanced Magic. [list] [*] At Level 2, Blair is now able to capture and enslave defeated or killed opponents and summon them via her blood, using their bodies as vessels to make her golems stronger, making them stronger. An extension of her 'Blood Golem' skill, amount she can summon is limited. [/list] [*] [b]Blood Beast[/b] [Lv. 1]: A pure physical form/style. A berserk like-state, her usual calm and collected state evaporates and thinks of nothing other than smashing the bones, breaking the will and creating a blood bath of her enemies. Though, not completely crazy as she still has her sense of self. In this form she is unable to use any magic or access her devil trigger, Only physical techniques Enhances her Physical Strength. [/list] [b][u]Equipment[/u]:[/b] [list] [*] Zalmonah [Lv. 2]: A long spear with countless barbs meant to cause internal damage/organ/flesh tearing upon insertion and pulling out. [list] [*] At Level 2, the barbed spear's thorns now have a paralytic effect that will steal away certain functions of the opponents body or 'cripple' them upon repeatedly focusing a targeted area. The spear also has a bleed effect in which the sheer force of the blow will cause internal bleeding in targeted areas. [/list] [*] Sodom & Gomorrah [Lv. 1]: A pair of short swords with sharp blades/barbs attached to the flat side of the blade, causing some damage/bleading even when they block. [/list] [b][u]Allies[/u]:[/b] [list] [*] Gorgon, a snake-like demon with the same abilities of a medusa who ruled the Mitis Forest before joining up with the Mundus Generals. As a Devil Arm, her form is that of a transforming weapon, namely a sickle, Kusarigama (sickle and chain), and spear modes. As a Kusarigama, it is capable of stunning foes with a sting attack. It can also summon up demonic snakes to aid in making it's attacks deadlier. [*] Madamma Enepsigos, a no faced demon Blair encountered in the backwoods cathedral. From Queen Sheba's territory, she holds the rank of 'Madamma', the highest rank in Sheba's area. Her abilities focus on illusions and zone control. While occasionally working for Sheba, Blair heard of her before and managed to see her in person before, albeit briefly, though, never formally met until recently at the cathedral. Rather than siding with Mundus, she sided with Blair. [/list] [b][u]Techniques[/u]:[/b] [b]Devil Trigger[/b]: Releases a magical blast of red light that temporarily blinds her opponents upon activation as she takes to the skies. During Devil Trigger she is able to reproduce/regenerate blood steadily. [list] [*] Self-puppetering [Lv. 1] she is able to manipulate her own body like a marionette to allow themselves to move freely even if they possess injuries or status affects that would impede their movements albeit not as effectively as they would normally [/list] [b]Blood Oath[/b]: [list] [*] Blood Golem [Lv. 1]: The creation of a soldier made of her own or acquired/consumed/absorbed blood. Size and number is level dependent (currently can make about 3-4). Can be used in many ways, especially at scouting and mapping out areas. [*] Blood Spike Projection [Lv. 1]: creates and projects needles/spikes of blood to impale targets. [*] Bloody Sunday [Lv. 1]: another version of Blood Spikes in which she casts many spikes that splits into multiple fragments. A bit weaker than the original but causes more widespread destruction [*] Blood Blast [Lv. 2]: An attack in which she spreads her blood over a targeted area and detonates it. She's also able to coat her weapon(s) in blood and detonate it as she slashes or thrusts [*] Bloodline [Lv. 1]: creates a spear-like 'chain' that goes after and sinks into the enemy, dealing little to no damage as it clamps onto the enemy with it's spikes/barbs and absorbs their blood. [*] Blood Trail [Lv. 1]: A seemingly simple spinning slash that splatters harmless blood over the field. However, this blood can be used to track movements in the intermediate area, even if Blair's senses get cut off or tampered with. [/list] [u][b]Blood Rage[/b][/u]: [list] [*] Savage Thirst [Lv. 1]: Close range grapple in where she grabs the enemy and bites into neck [*] Fists Of Fury [Lv. 1]: a barrage of fists [*] Uppercut [Lv. 1]: A simple but punishing uppercut to send the opponent into the air [*] Crunch Stomp [Lv. 1]: a punishing below the waist kick, to the kneecap or lower leg. [*] Brain Damage [Lv. 1]: An aerial in which she grabs her opponent mid-air and smashes them in the head with her knee. [/list] [b]Zalmonah[/b]: [list] [*] Pierce [Lv. 1]: A simple piercing thrust with her spear [*] Ragdoll [Lv. 1]: Strikes with spear and throws opponent into air, ripping up their insides [*] Batter Up! [Lv. 1]: An attack where she simply uses the spear as a bat, with the focus being on the barbs of the spear sticking onto the foe and causing external wounds. [/list] [b]Sodom and/or Gomorroah[/b]: [list] [*] Double Slash [Lv. 1]: Basic slash with [i]both[/i] of the short swords [*] Leaping Slash [Lv. 1]: A forward leaping slash that has her going airborne, used as a setup. Can be done with either blade [*] Moon Fall [Lv. 1]: Slashes them up and down in an arc. Single blade attack [*] Down Wind Slash [Lv. 1]: A downward aerial slash, can be done with either or both blades. [/list] [/hider]