Katarina felt a grin cross her lips at Batman's words. His voice was a welcome sound, as rare as human interaction was for Katarina since regaining her freedom. Though she questioned if the 'Human' part applied to him... Still, the sight of the bat was welcome, he had far more experience in this kind of situation.[color=ec008c]"Aww my dear Bat..."[/color] She sashayed toward him, hiding her recent acquisition in her left hand behind her back as she approached. She moved in close and stopped to looked at Batman for a moment. [color=ec008c]"I'd hope you of all people would know..."[/color] She stood on the tip of one foot and leaned forward as she raised the other up behind her.[color=ec008c]"It's not about how advanced the tech is..."[/color] Katarina brought her hand up to her cheek and mock whispered to him as she caught the idol upon her heel and subsequently kicked it to the far end of the rooftop behind her. [color=ec008c]"It's how you use it."[/color] She relaxed her posture and stepped back before nodding towards the flying mystery man. [color=ec008c]"That said. I probably wouldn't still be kicking around Gotham if I could do that."[/color]