[@DracoLunaris] [hider=reply to ur thing/ronaldo] The meme possibility is very high. But seriously, it was INCREDIBLY cathartic to see Ronaldo finally get treated like he acts the way he does. I don't mean the weirdness(what with that being tolerable for me), I mean the attitude he has towards people. I was kinda livid after he played the victim after trying to sacrifice Lars to a "haunted" house. I would be upset if someone tore up a photograph that I thought would make me famous, but if it was embarrassing to them I would definitely understand. Ronaldo let it destroy their friendship and then, as I said, TRIED TO KILL A PERSON. Most of the time Ronaldo just acts like an edgelord, but sometimes he's just a terrible person. He doesn't do work, leaving his (12? 13? year old) brother to run a fast food joint mostly by himself, he creates delusional conspiracy theories that almost resulted in him dissecting Steven because he thought a kid in a bad snake costume was a snake person, and in this episode he forced his way into the household of a bunch of rock aliens with superpowers because he wanted to be a rock alien with superpowers. Then, while in said household, he thought he had transcended humanity into becoming a Gem, ignored the established lives of the people there because he felt left out even though he had BARGED INTO SOMEONE'S HOME AND DECIDED TO LIVE THERE, going so far as to mock Steven about his relationship with Connie because he didn't get a cool sword that belonged to Steven's [i][b]dead mother[/b] [/i]as a reward for committing what is most likely a felony. He then guilt-tripped Steven (intentionally, though that could be from the 1-week sleep deprivation) into feeling like a bad person, even though he was merely trying to carry on his life in the face of home invasion. Glad to see Ronaldo getting put in his cringey place. Also I have someone eerily similar to Ronaldo in my school. That I hate. But I hate Ronaldo more. [/hider]