Damn it! Due to his half-elvish part he probably should have known better, but the capability and will of those elvish steeds to stop so ferociously caught An-Hasst by surprise. The violent move almost threw him off the animal's back, but the Skayleigh managed to maintain some amount of grace as he jumped by himself before it became uncontrollable. He stomped onto the ground facing towards the forest they had just left behind -- or merely the conspicuously sharp gradient in the local vegetation's density they had just encountered one should say. What did his half-countrymen think ? Why did they allow them to only go that far on their steeds ? It was a bit of a disappointment, honestly. Still even he could see that there was no point in rambling about that, so what the half-giant did was to turn around. One of the last things on his list of expectations was yet another woman who just happened to be there. Instantly and probably lacking any noticeable amount of decency, the Skayleigh started inspecting her. A human as it appeared. Marguerite's rather hungry looking figure consumed several seconds of An-Hasst's attention before he finally noticed that she was wielding a dagger. The Skayleigh approached her, but kept out of what he suspected to be her immediate range with that weapon. [color=ffff00]"If you don't want to be hurt then I suggest that you stop trying to generate the impression that you want to do the same thing. None of us has drawn any weapon so far, but you have."[/color] In a more or less subtle effort of not allowing the priest Settionne to make first contact [i]again[/i], An-Hasst quickly continued with asking questions. [color=ffff00]"So... who are you and what are you doing here, if I may ask ?"[/color] Well... out of his mouth those last four words didn't sound like a perfectly polite request. [@The Fated Fallen][@Banana][@BCTheEntity][@Sypherkhode822][@POOHEAD189]