The Call Of The Summoner. (Dungeon crawler RP) You were awoken once again in the middle of the night by strange dreams of places and creatures only described in the tales of old, but yet one thing stands out....A voice low and echoing ushering you to travel to the small town of "Dawn Shard" that lies nestled in a mountainous region of the north, but whether down to keeping you sanity or just plain curiosity you pack your thing and venture forth into the unknown. After many days (or weeks) of traveling you reach the quiet little town and head straight to the local tavern to hire a room for the night, luckily you see a old fading sign labeled "The Midnight-Cap" hanging from what you assume to be the building you are searching for, as you enter the dimly lit tavern and take a seat at the bar a small goblin like creature removes his hood and introduces himself a "Skrall, messenger of the Summoner" after buying you a drink he explains that he has been sent here to greet the Adventurers his master had summoned and inform them of the "Quest" set before them.... "Long ago a great evil ruled this land and if not stopped by "The Summoner" would surly have concurred the world, sadly this evil could not be destroyed it is only being kept at bay by the summoners mastery over magic, however the "Shards" that "The Summoner" placed throughout the land to keep the evil imprisoned have been disturbed and need to be realigned properly. These Shards are hidden in places protected by traps, magic, and creatures not seen for hundreds of years so Adventurer will you gamble everything for a chance to save these lands and be rewarded enough to live like a king/queen or will you head home and wonder of what you let go? the choice is yours..." [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] im gonna need at least 3-4 adventurers before i go ahead with this but the more people we have the more diveres the story will be, eg teams of adventurers in the same dungeon but in paralel zones (portal 2 style), it will be a dungeon crawler styled rp with loads of twists and turns to keep you on your feet and if it goes well i have another few to release so it might be 1 of a series. Adventurers will start off basic but gain powers, weapons, pets whatever makes for an interesting experience, and yes these thing can be carried to the next RP if there is one, any questions are welcome.