The mention that Dalia took a little pleasure out of the Purgers' trip to the hospital made the young woman frown slightly. Even if she didn't find it a waste of time for people to joke as they liked, they didn't have much of it to be spending arguing formalities. Glad to hear that they had not yet made their way to this side of town, she felt a small wave of relief wash over here. Vigilantes? No, they just wanted to find a way to help everyone, at least...that was the intention. Sara couldn't help smiling and holding back a giggle at how proud Rasteva became of themselves. When they did, and Dalia's reaction wasn't one of awe, but laughter, Rasteva didn't take much care for it. For the most part, she had given up on really getting a word in, simply following the conversation was a little hard sometimes by how quickly it picked up in pace and immediately slowed. Hearing that she liked the armor Rasteva wore, she brushed some of the auburn hair back behind her ear and smiled sheepishly. Nodding, she glanced towards the armor, and Dalia, color rushing to her cheeks in embarrassment. She needed something in return for their help. [color=f49ac2][b]"Oh, okay. That sounds fair. I didn't think we would get your help for free."[/b][/color] The young woman smiled. Hearing about the dress, she felt a little confused. She was on school at a scholarship, and while she had a small bit of allowance sent to her from her family, it wasn't near enough to buy something from a boutique..especially downtown. When Dalia pointed towards her, she raised her hands in defense.[color=f49ac2][b] "I don't nearly have enough money to--"[/b][/color] Her eyes widened. [color=f49ac2][b]"Wh-What?! Make..a dress?"[/b][/color] This would be a little different than sewing clothes for her stuffed animals. [color=f49ac2][b]"Uhm...O-Okay, can't be the exact same dress. That would be stealing their design..."[/b][/color] Sara thought a moment. [color=f49ac2][b]"I could make you a dress inspired by the one in the window, and that way you could have a one-of-a-kind outfit no one else will have and you'll still be paying a small nod to the one in the window. How does that sound?"[/b][/color] Sara suggested. [b][color=f49ac2]"I'll just need the photos and an idea of what kind of fabric or colors you would like, or...hate. And, I'll need to take your measurements if you don't mind."[/color][/b] She smiled.