[@Zverda] "While clerics shout of heresy and theft, scholars return with accusations of flagellation and making deals with demons" I meant the clerics referred to here, as clerics are of the priestly persuasion; and I think you misunderstood my observation. I'm perfectly aware the the sacrifice makes you stronger, it was merely my observation that the 'Gods' gained more power from your sacrifice than you did yourself, and gave you only a portion of that power. And one of my questions was missed, understandable as it was part of a two part question. Can mages study multiple schools of magic? Conjuration/Alteration/Abject Would a character focused on studying the ability to focus magic into matter in order to create magical items be acceptable? I'm thinking a fairly young character that got out of fighting in the war by becoming a scientist, and after the war has jumped feet first into trying to discover the Mysteries of Magic.