Hello one and all! Allow me to introduce myself, I am LordOfTheNight but you may refer to me as Lord or Night. I am on the hunt for two particular RPs. One that would follow a group of monster hunters during 1872 and an RP following a pair of psychic spies. I will explain both however I require only a few things from a partner. 1) I ask that you be literate and be able to post a few paragraphs. 2 at most. 2) In order to play The Order I am asking you be able to play multiple characters, at least 2 or 3 unique characters. I have multiple characters I wish to play as and would rather not put so much effort in without others. 3) If you wish to leave or can't continue playing, tell me! I hate being ghosted. Without furtherado the plots in question: [b]The Order[/b] [Hider]As children, our parents have always told us that monsters didn't lurk in the dark corners of the world. That there were no such things as boogeymen. Children however know better. They understand that the world isn't so simple as it appears and that there are things that lurk in the darkest corners of the world. Darkness, despair, secrets, fear, fuel for beings that would drive most men mad. Creatures that do indeed exist and await, dreaming. Soon they will awake. When that happens, all we ever knew will come crumbling down. We are not helpless though. Mankind has proven itself in times past. A secretive order dedicated to protecting the world of light from the world of darkness, the Otherside as we call it. This organization has operated in secret to the world, only rising as their enemy rises like the tide. It has no name to speak of, simply going by the name of The Order. No one knows how it started or where, all that is known is that it has moved through the centuries where the power of the world tested it's head. Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome. Now, it resides in the heart of England and is funded by the Vatican. The call has been sent out to the finest the world had to offer. Hunters, scientists, magicians, sailors. The storm is gathering and we must act[/hider] [b]Tinker, Tailor, Psyker, Spy[/b] [hider]The future of war will not be won with the killing power of a rifle but with the power of the mind. Since the Cold War, the US understood this even as they built nuclear weapons. The CIA was the first to begin such research, starting Project Stargate. As far as the public was concerned, it amounted ultimately to nothing but a failed experiment. In truth, the CIA had managed to discover the soldiers of the future. Soldiers who could use their minds as weapons. These new warriors would come to fight in the shadows. You would play the role of a new recruit in this government program, a product of the United States experiments despite you not knowing it fully. We'll begin with your character starting training by being paired with a fellow veteran psychic. After a few posts of training we will skip ahead to her as a field agent who is now partnered with her trainer. I have more to the story but don't wish to spoil it[/hider]