[hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170226/e4ca2259d06babbdb6f9b576cc98e026.png[/img] [hr] [hider=Sonar][hr] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/splintercell/images/5/58/Kestrel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100203064843[/img] [color=Maroon][b][h2]Sonar[/h2][/b][/color][hr] [color=Maroon][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Frankie H. Edwards[/color] [color=Maroon][b]Operator Alias[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Sonar[/color] [color=Maroon][b]Nationality - Group[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Scottish - SAS[/color] [color=Maroon][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver]34[/color] [hr] [color=Maroon][b]Specialisation[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Attacker > Defender[/color] [color=Maroon][b]Arsenal[/b][/color] [color=Silver]C8A3 Carbine - Primary Remington 870 - Primary P226 Mk.25 - Secondary Mac-11 - Secondary Fragmentation Grenade - Primary Equipment Smoke Grenade - Primary Equipment Breaching Charge - Secondary Equipment Spare Drone - Secondary Equipment [/color] [color=Maroon][b]Ability[/b][/color] [color=Silver][b]High Frequency Vision[/b] Experimental Gear once used by those of an [url=http://splintercell.wikia.com/wiki/Third_Echelon]Elite Organisation[/url] two years prior to Team Rainbow's reactivation, this 'Eyepiece' utilises high frequency sonar to produce sonic pulses, combined with an advanced AI controller, that penetrate through objects and walls to provide an enhanced visual representation of the engagement zone. The range of this is about 15-19 metres. It was used with the abilities to maintain control of his weapon whilst using, unlike previous FBI Operators' gadgets.[/color] [hr] [color=Maroon][b]Appearance - Without Uniform[/b][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/ca96/f/2014/205/f/4/dexter_manning_welcome_by_secondsetback-d7s13vn.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=Maroon][b]Psychological Profile[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Frankie is known for being an introvert at heart. Being very focal on his education and training, he finds it difficult to adjust to simple off-leading tasks, such as downtime. It leaves for a tendency to occupy himself with gadget tinkering, offering chances for other Operators to use his services in repairing and advising equipment usage. Whilst serving as both a technological designer on the sidelines to adjust to his ease-of-boredom, he can find comfort in socialising with other operators through this occupation. When it changes to a combat situation, he becomes a focused mastermind, having an ability to quickly judge his actions and plan adjustments when plans change due to complications. However, excessive force can sometimes be enough to break his focus, leading to mistakes in his work and performance.[/color] [color=Maroon][b]Background[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Frankie was born in Glasgow, along with his regular middle-classed family, on April 6th 1983, and followed onwards throughout an ordinary life. He was quick to pick up an interest in the forever changing world of technology, science and quirky gadgets. Every year, he'd read or hear about a new invention that a foreign or local mastermind had developed over the course of many days, weeks, months or years. It excited him, giving him a set goal for where he wanted to end up in life. It was something his parents approved of, as having a younger child with an early lust for success made for a productive and less stressful parenthood. Frankie moved through school, going through his education during the 1990's in the GCSE system, eventually expanding into the main subjects he'd chosen. With this, he also developed a natural ambition of physical activity, attending many leisurely clubs to feed both hobby and ideal. By the time he'd left his education beyond the GCSEs, passing with a very plausible grading tally, Frankie was ready to attend University, but found difficulties in handling the cost and distance issues in regarding to the one that'd benefit his own needs. After a few months of panic trying to sort out a place in his life, he found comfort when watching a presentation of the Armed Forces Officer Programmes. He had the qualifications and eventually signed up for the Royal Marines, looking towards taking the Technological Officer's path in order to both show patriotism and further his education in tech-advancements. He trained here for a good few years, eventually granting himself a name amongst some of the Nation's regiments for his involvement in many Peaceful and War-based pieces of kits, used both locally and globally. And as his life continued, it reached 2013, where he was approached by someone new. An American Individual, under the Alias of [i]Six[/i], accompanied by High Ranking Officials from the Special Air Service, offered him a chance to be a part of a new organisation. She, of course, was referring to Team Rainbow. [i]Six[/i] described their uses in Counter-Terrorism, being more active than the standard National Militaries that were dotted around the world. They wanted him on the development team as the key figure to Operator Gadget Maintenance and Development, or the Rainbow G.M.D. as they referred him to. The only catch to the agreement was that he would have to undergo further training with the Special Air Service, leaving the Royal Marines, as a reserve Operator within Team Rainbow if the time needed it. And with the promise of some of the finest tech advancements around, he accepted. Being approached a year before their activation, he became one of the first members of Team Rainbow since its dismissal, undergoing most of his service training within the SAS ranks. Because of his connections with both Team Rainbow and now the SAS, he soon was introduced to and befriended the four notorious Operators, Mike Baker, Seamus Cowden, Mark Chandar and James Porter, otherwise known as Thatcher, Sledge, Mute and Smoke. Specifically becoming close to both Seamus and Mark for their similarities and personalities, the SAS deemed Frankie as fit for transfer towards Team Rainbow, beginning and constantly training with them. He became the G.M.D for full time with this new organisation, tampering, upgrading, changing and advising new Operators to new pieces of equipment. He even grasped a hold of developing instruments towards members of the Spetsnaz, FBI and GSG 9 services. An outside operations group, also tied to Team Rainbow, then gave Frankie access to High Frequency Sonar Gadgets, which he began to tamper with, and edit/test. His specific field of operation became highly useful in terms of befriending the operator Twitch, and soon they became great friends. Their knowledge and sharing in technological tools used within drones, gadgets and Operator Signatures made for great conversation, making Frankie more at home where he was. Unfortunately, this amazing friendship, as well as the others, came to an end with the Vegas Incident. Losing three of his friends, Seamus, James and Emmanuelle, as well as the vast majority of team members, including newfound friend Yumiko from SAT, he was almost heartbroken at the losses served. Mike went into a solitary silence, and soon rose to power in order to ensure a safer future for Rainbow. Mark went on to training, and soon became more distant than before. The two still went near each other and talked, but it was never the same after Mark's feelings and despair from the massacre. Before the official announcement of New-recruits being searched for, Frankie volunteered to shift his work-place onto the field, acting as a new operator. When both [i]Six[/i] and Mike questioned what he had to offer, he revealed the High Frequency Sonar Eyepiece, a more compact and stable version of the one he was given, allowing him to act similarly to Pulse, but with slightly higher accuracy and an ability to maintain control of his weapon during usage. Impressing both of the two with the gadget, he extended his training times with the surviving members and produced great results, now being identified as [i]Sonar[/i] for his developed equipment. [/color] [/hider] [/centre]