[center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle Undercroft[/h3] [@Zarkun][/center] Wrath's journey in the undercroft network was as quiet as one can expect, he could hear some of the fighting above, and very occasionally some part of the undercroft would shake, but it never felt like it would give way. Whoever or whatever made these halls, they were very sturdy. As he went through he began to notice spiders, very tiny ones crawling along the walls, not unusual given where he was, but the webbing began to become thicker, and thicker, and thicker still. Not unusual until entire walls were white with webbing, as he observed one of these, he realized these webs were quite fresh. As he approached one of these walls to better ascertain what these may mean, he in a rapid and fluid motion drew his blade and cut down a [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/darksiders/images/e/e4/Broodling.png/revision/latest?cb=20120130223359]Broodling[/url] behind him. Spiders, larger spiders, and as he observed his work, his senses cried out to him, that there were many many more closer to him than he thought. These spiders did not seem like the ones that Silitha made, a different look, but their styles did not match the jungle, meaning this was a minion of hell, either making a home, or spreading their influence. He would run into a web wall that had the sun and some light shining through, but some twisted magic made these webs more powerful than he could conquer. It seems he may have to find the source first, or find another way out. As he turned to continue his path, he would be beset on small groups and wave after wave of broodlings and spiders, some smaller ones hatching from fresh eggs, while others lay in ambush. [hr] [center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle[/h3] [@floodtalon][@ProPro][/center] It was an unlikely duo, with Mary having left as affairs for the Order required her assistance, plus Nero was going to be entering the field soon, it was down to an old man and a sarcastic teen. As they managed to traverse through the rough and uneven patches, eventually finding what could only be said as an old and forgotten road, knowing this only because their feet went from stepping on soft jungle soul and foliage to ancient cobblestone. Finally, they had something to follow in this thick brush where the trees towered, the canopy like a second sky with pillars of light shining through, as they looked around they found themselves amidst a path, the trees were no longer so closely packed together, making this area more spacious, almost as if they had just passed through some kind of threshold. Before they could take even a few steps they heard a booming voice as a small unit of angels had shown up. It looked like they were merely on patrol until they happened upon them. They were the standard angels from the Army of Light, who were much less monster-like than the Heirarchy, there was no need for immediate combat it seems, [color=fff79a][i]"Humans? Here? This is no place for humans, leave at once"[/i][/color], they warned. It seemed as if Akoni and Henry may have to fight their way through if they refused. As their hands began to reach for their weapons, the angels were suddenly set upon by demons. Two [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/3/36/Assault_DMC4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130324035831]Assaults[/url] leaped from the thick brushes below the angels and took down the one addressing Akoni and Henry, before a few more jumped up behind the next two, with the last two of five angels at the very back suddenly impaled by [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/9/93/Chimera.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110905130100]Chimera Seeds[/url], and pretty soon they became a thrall to those parasitic seeds. In moments, it appears they were to be fighting demons instead, which may fare more convenient considering their alignments. [hr] [center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle Low Path[/h3] [@Lazo][@Lugubrious][@kapuchu][/center] It was hard for Fenn to find the trail of Sevrin, mostly due to it being tainted by the many angels and demons locked in a dynamic and constant state of guerrilla warfare, however eventually he tracked it to what appeared to be a lake, but that was where the trail seemed to end. The stench of a defeated demon was strong here, although for a demon such as Fenn it was more like rotting fish, thus he was able to ascertain it was a demon that could thrive in water. For now they no longer had Sevrin's trail by smell, in fact if this is where they were led, it may not be difficult to figure out where he went from here. Regardless, this was where the trail led, them, as the party looked around they noticed that there were ruins jutting out of the lake, it seems they were approaching the center of this jungle going this direction, suggesting whatever Sevrin was after, was there. As they walked along the lake they realized there was a cobblestone path making itself known to them, covered by years of dirt and erosion, some of it still remained, leading them deeper into the jungle. That seems to be where they must continue. As they strolled along their way, Fenn's senses suddenly shot at him, and sure enough true to his instincts, he backstepped quickly as balls of flame erupted at his previous location. He turned to the source of the attack, and there it was sure enough, a [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/darksiders/images/6/6e/Stormbolter.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120124182327]Storm Warden[/url], hovering over the lake, along with a sizeable group of [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/darksiders/images/b/bf/Angel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120115125424]Angel Soldiers[/url]. It seems the angels had orders to attack any demon on site, regardless of alignment, as they could care less it seems. [color=fff79a]"A shame, I had hoped to make this easy. Men, aim"[/color], he ordered, as a group of Angel Soldiers switched their halberds into a ranged mode. It appears they intended to fire a volley. [color=fff79a]"Fire!"[/color], it seems battle was upon the party as the angels made their first move, firing a coordinated volley upon them. Beams of light with flames of destructive fire from the Storm Warden's Redemption cannon soared over the water towards them.