[b]Schwarzes and Such[/b] [b]"Have fun, then."[/b] I replied, letting her leave with little more than a smile and a short wave as I rose myself. While meeting up with family was indeed on my own agenda, I had one thing I wanted to at least get done beforehand. Something I didn't need to drag anyone else off into, too trivial and hopefully too quick. Well, probably not as quick as it'd be for most other people. Even so, it was early. Not even eight yet. I didn't even know if they'd arrived as of yet. I had time... Probably. [b]"Better make it snappy."[/b] Just a quick jaunt in and out of the Armory to take a look at one or two things, that was all I really needed to do for right now. --- [color=ffcf40]"Column A and Column B, as it were!"[/color] came the cheery response from the taller girl. [color=ffcf40]"I assume it transforms out from that suitcase— Hey, Dawn-chan?"[/color] she called, craning her neck over her shoulder to check on her little sister. And she was met with a smirk and the hand signal that could only mean "OK" or "money", as the smaller of the two had retrieved a pencil and notepad from somewhere within her voluminous sleeves. [color=00aeef]"Primed and ready for notation!"[/color] [color=ffcf40]"Awesome, sis!"[/color] April threw her a back a thumbs-up in appreciation. They hadn't really delegated out the task yet, but it was common knowledge amongst the entirety of the surviving family tree that April's handwriting was bad in the same way that a dumpster fire could be called hot garbage. Dawn stepping up and logging the information meant that they would both be able to use it for their reports later. Plus, it let April ask the questions and look at things up close! [color=ffcf40]"Basically, what we need to get an idea of is what it does and how it does it. Then we need to infer on our own how we could use them in situations outside the norm-- basically, what makes them unique as Hunting Weapons compared to normal stuff. You don't need to go wrecking the whole place, but a little demonstration won't hurt!"[/color]