I will finish the Res in a bit WIP Country Name: Nordur Landig (Or north lands in common) Government type: The country is lead by the clan heads which serves as a sort of Republic with each clan electing a patri-arch as their clan master to represent them in the council. The council also elects different positions such as Forge Master (Acts as a sort of trade regulator in charge of the the taxation of any imports and exports and makes sure all goods produced within Nordur are of good quality) Grudge Keeper (In charge of documenting the history of Nordur Landig and keeping record of any nations offenses to Nordur Landig.) and finally the most important position Axe Bearer (Who is in charge of Nordur's armed forces and heads all council meetings) Ruler: Currently the Axe Bearer is Thorgrim Stonehelm of the Stonehelm Clan Location: In the mountain in the north part of region 6 north of Veden. Capital City: StoneHolm ( Steinn-Holdd In dvergur) Language : Dvergur Species: Dwarves Army:The dwarven army consists of 10% of the population numbering around 560,000 dwarves Warriors: Dwarf Warriors are drawn up from the citizenry of Dwarf society. Dwarves are mostly craftsmen and artisans and there are few professional Dwarf soldiers, but in times of war Dwarfs may be called up by their clan leaders who will organize them into regiments ready to fight. Dwarves are physically strong, resilient and broad of shoulder enabling Dwarf armies to force march at great pace across hard country, a feat of endurance seldom seen in other races. They will fight with a mixture of axes and hammers, often being passed down through a family line for generations, and gird themselves in heavy armour, often with a large round shield. Grey Beards: Grey Beards are old and wise Dwarfs and are very experienced warriors, such is evidenced by their longer beards. A Longbeard's long beard grants them total respect from other Dwarfs. Grey Beards are veterans of many wars and have endured far more hardships than most beardlings (young Dwarves) can even imagine and as such they grumble about how everything is less scary or well made as it was in their day. Nothing can stop a Grey Beard from a good grumble. Grey Beards on the field of battle are very powerful and do not suffer distress about minor shifts in the battle situation which might panic a younger dwarf. Ironbreakers Ironbreakers are the guardians of the lower deeps. They are experienced tunnel fighters and often fight against enemy Sappers and other creatures of the depths attempting to tunnel into a Dwarf hold. Without their efforts, the majority of dwarf holds would be victim to constant attack by other underground dwellers. Ironbreakers are professional soldiers in that they are perpetually under arms - due to their status as professional tunnel fighters they wear powerful gromril armor, which can protect a Dwarf from enemy blades and rock falls. Ironbreakers also find themselves fighting battles on the surface and they form a bulwark against enemy attacks, but for every battle they fight on the surface, they've faced dozens below the ground. Dwarven Bear Dragoons: Made to fight on both bear and ground these dwarves are some of Nordurs most skilled warriors. They are usually the commanding officers personal gaurd but also serve alongside regular infantry. The Bear Dragoons ride large armored mountain bears and wield Small but accurate crossbows from which they use to circle around the enemy and fire before begining the main charge. When their bears hit the line the dwarves usually dismount allowing their companion to fend off any enemys while he readys his great axe and joins in the fight. Revered for their skill and bravery the Bear Dragoons are chosen personally by the Axe Master himself. Dwarven Quarrellers: Armed with Heavy Crossbows the Quarrellers are chosen from the stronger recruits as it requires much energ to effectivly and speedily reload the crossbows. The Crossbows the quarrellers use is a advanced crank type with the power to perice through plate armor making them effective against heavy troops who get passed the Grey Beards and warriors. They are also very useful in ambush scenarios seeing as their reload rate and lack of melee training are their main drawbacks. History: The History of the Dwarves of Nordur is a long one belived to stretch from the begining of time when the first intelligent life was created. The first dwarf and what the dwarves say to be the first intelligent animal was Fadir All Father who awoke from the stone thousands of years ago. Fadir was borne to a dangerous hostile world filled with beasts who wanted nothing but to kill him so Fadir hid in the caves for defense. Soon after resorting to the caves Fadir became lonely and disheartened fearing that he was the first and last of his kind. Wandering aimlessly for days overfilled with greif he stumbled into a large cavern in this cavern lived a great bear and his family. The bear soon after finding fadir pitied the dwarf and toke him into the den. It was there that the bear tried to show fadir how the bears lived and tried to make him more part of the family but this did not work for fadir knew he was not of their kind and soon resorted back into sadness. The great bear said to fadir " I know you are lonely and the only of your kind so I have decided to make more of your kin come back to me with nine statues of your kin and i will give them life. And so Fadir did for 9 months he labored and chiseled away at the stone making statues of his kin in amazing detail but each one totally unique. Once he was finished with the statues he carried them back to the great bear. The great bear said "Good Fadir good, As yolu know I am old and I am soon to die leaving my nine sons all alone without guidance so I have asked them and they wish to become your kind.". It was then the great bear called for his sons to line up each infront of the statues. It was then that the great bear lumbered back from his sons and fell into a never ending sleep as the bear drew his final breath a great shaking came over the cavern as the sons souls left their bear bodies and went into the stone. Soon after emerged 9 dwarves Fadir stood there in amazment as the stone animated and walked over to him."My kin!" Fadir cried over come with joy and happiness "Hmm, but what to call you all..." Fadir said pacing aroudn the room for a second "Ahh i've got it you shall all have to face several trials and from your abilities in the trials I shall give you your names". No one knows for sure what the exact trials where but they tested skills such as leadership handiwork combat prowess and negotiation and when they where over each of the nine sons had their names and under the order of their father began to build the cavern into a great hall where they and all their future kin shall live.This according the the grudge keeper was how Nordur and the dwarves first came abouts. But eventually as time passed the 9 siblings grew having sons and daughters of their own eacj growing steadily bigger but as they grew bigger they broke apart and became more seperate. It was with the Death of Fadir that the council was formed. Fearing that without some sort of guidance the clans would split apart and fall into petty squabblings he asked them all Pic: (optional) Religion : The dwarves follow a strict form of ancestor whorship believing that when they die they do not go to heaven or to hell but into the stone. Meaning aslong as a dwarf is touching the ground the souls of his ancestors help him and protect him both in battle and in everyday life. It is also believed that if you do not dishonor your family you will weaken the stone which causes such things as mine cave ins and other common underground hazards. Population: (Optional) Species Form (only if you aren't playing humans) Name: Dwarves Physical Features: Dwarfs are on average a good deal shorter than Men, making them ideally suited to the tunnels in which they live and work (the average dwarf being estimated to be at approximately 4'5"-5'0"). They are immensely strong and resilient, with bodies seemingly purpose-built for manual labour, with solidly formed muscles, broad-shoulders and large thick fingered hands that are capable of considerable manual dexterity. This physical toughness allows them to carry heavy loads and endure many hardships and work for long lengths of time without tiring. Dwarfs are a very long-lived race with life-spans that can run into centuries, or rare occasions even into a millennium. As a dwarf becomes older so his beard becomes longer and thicker. Since dwarves have a deep inbuilt respect for age it would be unthinkable for a dwarf to cut off or even trim their beards. Like the Orcs, dwarfs appear to become stronger the older they get, but unlike the Orcs, there appears to be a breaking point where their general health rapidly declines, always happening just a few years before the dwarf dies of old age. Female dwarfs are very rarely seen outside dwarf realms which has led many people to believe that dwarf males can give birth or that dwarf women have beards. However they are fairly similar to their male counterparts in that they are broad shouldered and heavily built, but instead of long beards they have long hair wound into similar braids, worn beneath the helmet which they treasure as greatly as males do their beards. In terms of mental ability, Dwarfs are incredibly determined. They are supremely confident in the values and virtues of their civilisation, and openly scorn the achievements of other races. Their mental strength, in combination with their physical abilities, makes them steadfast fighters who will often fight to the last rather than admit defeat or run away. Picture: (optional but very helpful) [img=http://images.wikia.com/dragonage/images/f/f1/Dwarves_DA2.png]