[@AquaAzura] Hmm, I like the character concept but there are a few tweaks needed. Her characterization strikes me as a tad inconsistent. Either she's normally mellow and reserved and can keep her cool most of the time or she's has issues with controlling her emotions. A calm person will react strongly from time to time but if her rages are strong and common enough to warrant a mention in her psych profile then she isn't a calm person. Neither would she be if she's quick to berate people often. Also, it's very unlikely her family would allow her to not take a breeding request or that she would refuse. Salarian society is set up to be a set up like Fuedalism and loyalty to the family is sacrosanct, especially since young children imprint on Dalatrasses at birth. If her family set up a contract for her, social and political reality would demand her obedience if her psychological imprinting didn't already.