[@Zardoric] Well... First of all it seems that the 'Gods' demand a sacrifice of the very things they value most therefore weakening the 'Priest' in the very element they wish to gain power in. I'm assuming that's because that's the very thing that feeds the 'Gods' own power? -"I would believe so. The gods are a bit assholish in that sense but yes" Also, how do magic items work? Or do they not yet exist? -"Magical items do exist however, they are in the infant stages of development since this is information taken by the Axis during the war and are still being looked through so they are more simple than anything. Magic is placed into items via Runes, chants or prayers etched into the item. Power is then drawn into it, allowing the item to have magical properties.. More witll be explained later on as we flesh out the mechanics a bit more" Is it possible to study multiple schools of magic or make more then one great sacrifice? -"It is possible to study more than one school but that is what the versitilty section is for in the CS but sadly there can only be one sacrifice (great, important, significant, etc) Would a character focused on studying the ability to focus magic into matter in order to create magical items be acceptable? -"do you mean like a runesmaster or something akin to that?" I'm thinking a fairly young character that got out of fighting in the war by becoming a scientist, and after the war has jumped feet first into trying to discover the Mysteries of Magic. -"Tell me what you define as fairly young. Also, as far as "getting out of the war" I would be ok with it being like "i was army corp of engineers helping outwith the manhatten project then....magic...now im working on studying that...got out and continued my study" kinda deal but I suggest overall give me like a quick bio to help me understand. ^^