[center] Continuing to swiftly explore and expand, the USSR comes into contact with an alien empire. It is a good find, as we will get to show them the true meaning of communism. [img]https://s28.postimg.org/tcgai6p9p/rsz_281990_screenshots_20170226204757_1.jpg[/img] Meanwhile, the colony True Slav is established, and the settlers immediately set out to work on the hydroponic beet fields or be beaten by commissar like dogs. [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/87096384648368878/B8CD42F2144C5C7E20EBB005842020A80C374334/[/img] The USSR, as vigilant and resourceful as ever, continues its expansion, encountering new alien empires to spread communism and vodka to. [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/87096384648369439/CB32C2716911CD3B0B57281456395A830B4EE382/[/img] And then, the USSR meets another new race, the CPUs! Wait, what? [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/87096384648370695/5F22FBC85DD079DD7B20C9BA75818F0DD2F4A1EF/[/img] ... I think I downloaded too many mods again. "[i]At least we have vodka![/i]" - Secretary General Vorshelsky, leader of the USSR [/center]