Owl—or rather Gideon’s—confession made Amelia realize how easily people could be fooled, to include herself. Of course, she hadn't been there for long, but nonetheless, the whole thing proved an important point. Both men shook hands, albeit rather awkwardly despite the fact that they had already been talking for who knows long. She noted Gideon's grin as she took another bite of her food, and for some reason, she thought that he was hiding something more. Maybe it was all in her head, or maybe it wasn't, but she couldn't be sure because it's been her experience that the Zone liked to play mind games with its inhabitants. Once she was doing eating, Amelia pushed the plate away from her. "Well, it was nice meeting you both." she said as she grabbed a napkin, "I appreciate the food and drink, but I think I should get going now." Those two didn't seem [i]too[/i] bad, but Amelia wasn't completely sure as to their true intentions, and it was best to not take any chances.