Alexis shook her head at the sandstorm they were facing. Sandstorms and jetpacks didn't go well together but as always Alexis came prepared, she put some plastic over the main "holes" of the jetpack to keep the sand from entering that would burn very fast when she fired up. Most people considered Reapers to be crazy for going in light/medium armor to fight at close range against zergs, protoss or whatever they had to fight with but Alexis enjoyed the battle. She relished in the fight and all goose bumps appeared on her skin as she thought about the battle that was about to come. Her trusted shotgun, an unusual weapon for a Reaper, was resting on hips and she looked at the orange paint she applied on it and smiled. Orange worked good for this environment and it would look stunning in a fight. Soon, the time to drop was on and she jumped out of the dropship with a wicked smile on her face. She loved the jump before a battle. Quickly her visor closed and no sand could enter her eyes and soon after the HUD showed her where they had to go. She knew that silence was essential for this part of the mission, so she didn't talk but when they arrived, Alexis approached the squad leader and said with a wicked smile on her face : "[color=silver] I'll take the two from above. Want me to bring them down to you ? Their screams as they fall to the death would be a welcome change in the scenery. [/color]" [@Andromedai]