[h2]Mori Nana[/h2] The bear's rise was accompanied by the few police present in the festival trying to do their best to keep order and help people get away. Except for one. [i]Someone[/i] had to try and take down the threat. Leaving it to the general public, and children at that, would be a moral failure. Out of all the police, it was the smallest member of the force that elected to try and take out the grossly swollen prize. With an enemy of such size, it didn't really matter where Nana started from. Gather magic, focus it on the legs. Don't bind it so tightly as to leave the rest defenceless but use as much as possible to push far past human limits. A deep breath, focus on the landing point... and jump. It was a majestic bound, taking it high above even the mutated toy's height. The reason for this soon became apparent: with an extra magical 'push', the small figure came plummeting down with leg extended. The resultant kick hit with enough force to knock the bear back and then-- Nothing. Aside from having sunk awkwardly far into its head, Nana's attack hadn't so much as scratched it. Hastily, the police officer pushed off of the thing, jumping back to a safe distance and landing beside the Youth Organisation member already at the scene. One that, a bit annoyingly, was taller than the white-haired detective. Though she was beginning to suspect that such a description applied to the entire organisation aside from her even-smaller cousin. [hr] [h2]Mori Hoshiko[/h2] Hoshiko had just stepped forwards to take up August's offer when something caught her attention--leaving the tiny girl apparently staring straight at the nearby wall. In reality, it was more like she was seeing [i]through[/i] the wall: the greater whatever magic was going on in an area, the more likely that her vision would notice it regardless of what the laws of physics might have to say about the matter. In this case, that meant that she may as well have been in a field for all that the wall obscured the giant bear from her. "There's... a giant teddy bear attacking the festival?"