[@Deos Morran] Oh so we're on the same page with that. In the real US military, you go to officer training to gain an officer's commission. Hence why Lieutenants are young. But enlisted recruits wouldn't be a Lieutenant in a few years. It is incredibly rare for an enlisted to rise to a commissioned officer, especially so in such a short time. However that's the human military. Everything we know about Turian ranks is that everyone joins at 15, and people who want to be officers train even longer than enlisted. They get promoted based on the recommendations of their peers and their superiors. So she would have been placed in training first, she wouldn't have been put into dangerous covert field assignments right away being so young. If she wanted to be a Lieutenant, the training would have been long and intense and she'd need to show command ability. And she'd still be a typical soldier, not an elite who gained the attention of the Spectres. So you'd have to come up with something that makes her stand out in her later career since you can't have a Reaper attack in her teenage years. Yeah Aegon has a mexta. It's a turian sword, a family heirloom of his. Kind of like an officer's saber.