Dorisma surveyed the corrupted and dead wasteland that lay before them, a once lush forest turned to dust. If only this had been a human city. That thought rang through Dorisma's head as an exceptionally brilliant idea. The desire to follow through with this was only compounded by seeing the Princess shove people into the dust, her reaction clearly showing she'd expected something different, likely terrible to happen. A silent snarl crossed Dorisma's face and she grabbed some of the dust, roughly cramming into her coin purse that she'd emptied a while ago and gave to their group funds possessed by Robert. She didn't care if anyone saw her doing so, though they'd likely be more focused on the princess anyway. Dorisma dusted her hands off carefully to make sure there was none left on her hands and stood up, waiting for the rest of the party to finish whatever they were doing so they could head back and return to the dragons.