Elayra snorted. “Fine by me,” she snapped. She took a breath, trying to calm her impatience and worries. With Ghent’s eyes closed, she tried to think back to the first of the few, more official lessons in magic Drust had given her, and of the various bits and pieces she had picked up in between. “Magic’s all around us, it just exists on a plane all its own, so most people can’t see it. But a lot of us [i]can[/i] feel it, if we try. If we reach out to it first. Once you’ve found it once, it’ll be easier to find it when you need it. So.” She uncrossed her arms and leaned back against one of the benches. “Clear your head, then imagine the energy of magic flowing around us. Once you can feel it, command it. For now, use focus words. The one for a basic shield is [i]tuito.[/i] It’s a good one for a beginner.” She stared at him intently, for the first time that morning not paying her surroundings much attention. She took a slight step away in case he managed to mispronounce the command, her eyes never leaving him, fearing the worst, but hoping, despite her better judgment, for the best.